BRAND Activation

Brand Activation can be very important in creating strong connections between your products and consumers, who are able to generate positive interactions and memories with your brand.


What is

Brand Activation

Brand Activation is used to create experiences and activities that generate strong brand recognition and awareness. Activations help promote a greater emotional connection between your brand and the consumer and build a stronger brand image. They help bring a brand to life by allowing audiences to create a connection and association with the brand and its values through varying activities and challenges that promote positive experiences and create long lasting memories. Through the use of experiential design and experiential marketing, activations aim to build strong experiences that resonate with consumers, and help to develop brand recognition and create strong relationships through the emotional connection that the consumer has developed with your brand. Being able to interact with your consumers allows you to show your brand off in a fun and enjoyable way, allowing for positive experiences to be made!

How Crowd Culture does Brand Activations

Crowd Culture can deliver brand activations in a number of unique ways, that are able to generate strong curiosity and intrigue for your brand.

Our team has no limits!


Experiential Marketing

Creating experiences that will resonate with your audience is very important. Allowing consumers to interact with your product or services and create connections, can be a very important tool.

Experiential Marketing

Event, Expo and Trade Show Displays

When exhibiting to a large crowd, it is important to stand out and draw audiences to your stand. Implementing Brand Activations into your stand can help ensure that people will remember exactly what your product or service is.


Sometimes the best way to get a product or brand recognisable is by getting it in front of as many people as possible. Roadshows allow brands to activate in a number of different locations ensure their products and services are recognisable.

Custom Pop-Up Shops

Pop-up shops are temporary spaces that allow brands to show off their product in a new or different location to their standard store. With so many benefits, find out more here!

We are fiercely protective of our customers’ brand and want to deliver the best possible solution for brands to reach their audience with no limits.

We are proud of the fact that we can deliver amazing designs that are tailored to suit your brand. Our bespoke concepts will certainly attract the interest and curiosity of audiences and will display your brand in the best possible way.

Brand Activation is a great marketing tool that can provide your business with some strong results and generate exposure around products or service offerings. Talk to our team today, to see how our unique and bespoke designs can promote your brand and gain the awareness and results you are looking for? Whether it be small or large, our team has the scope to deal with any idea!

End to end, design and delivery, is what Crowd Culture is all about.

Our talented Design Team will then, using the latest 3D rendering technology and design tools, bring your concept to life; watch as our team take your vision and turn it into a 3D reality.

Working with our amazing team of builders and production specialists, we’ll work to ensure that our concepts can be actualised within your specified budget parameters.

We’ll present it all to you, our client, for consideration!

Have a concept you’d like to see brought to life in 3D? Contact Us today to get your next project underway

our production


As a turnkey agency, with the design locked away, it is then time for our Operations team to shine.

Using our extensive network of Australians suppliers, we will construct every element of your brand activation, including:

We also take care of every element of the installation process, from liaising with venues and contractors to organising transportation and storage when it is done and dusted. We have it all covered.

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